The BBRS is a CTRNet certified biobank and we operate with a commitment to quality.

Current Stock

Select existing biospecimens from our biobank inventory.

The BBRS uses H&E staining to reveal nucleic, cytoplasmic and extracellular matrix features of the tissues within the biobank. These slides are reviewed by a pathologist to annotate the cellular components represented in each tissue block. 

Current Stock 

BBRS Current Stock *a subset within the Frozen Tissue & Blood Stock sets                                                                                       Date Published January 2024

Typical Aliquots 

BBRS TTR typical aliquots



The majority of cases with access to clinical FFPE can be utilized to make a custom TMA

Examples of Types of Research Supported

BBRS TTR types of research supported

Clinical Archives

The BBRS routinely accesses clinical archival FFPE tissue blocks for research purposes.

Formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded tissue blocks are utilized for the creation of tissue microarrays, tissue scrolls for extraction and tissue sections on slides for immunohistochemistry or H&E staining. Clinical archives provide tissue processed and stored with standardized methods. In combination with our stock of frozen tissue or as a standalone, clinical archival FFPE tissues offer a large selection of tissues to support a variety of research questions.

Prospective Collections

When the biospecimen and data will be collected in the future after initiation of the study, and with the specific study question in mind.

Consenting (Vancouver Island only)

Research participants must voluntarily confirm their willingness to participate in a research project. We are able to consent for your specific study. 

Blood collections (Vancouver Island only)

Assist with creating lab service agreements for Island Health or LifeLabs.

Able to collect at various time points & process:
Whole blood aliquots
Serum & Plasma

Effusion collections (Vancouver Island only)

Collection & storage.

Biospecimen - Services

Services offered.

H&E Slides

Haemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) are routine stains used in pathology departments for microscopic review of tissues to diagnose diseases including cancer. The BBRS uses H&E staining of thin tissue sections on slides to reveal nucleic, cytoplasmic and extracellular matrix features of the tissues within the biobank. 

TMA Creation

Tissue microarrays (TMAs) are created from clinical archival FFPE resources. Each case is evaluated by a pathologist for best tissue block and coring area. TMAs can be constructed from cases specifically selected based on study criteria. 

Histology Services

Histology services are available though the Deeley Research Centre (DRC). DRC Histology Services

Start an Inquiry

The First Step is to contact us - let us know about your biospecimen and/or data needs.

Within your message please briefly discuss your biospecimen request detailing the cancer type, number of cases, biospecimen type (e.g. plasma, FFPE tissue, frozen tissue), biospecimen amount per case, and associated data requested.

Contact Us


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