Research and Knowledge Dissemination Resources
2024 Conference Posters
- Co-Creating Care: Enhancing Advance Care Planning in Oncology Through Patient & Healthcare provider partnerships, Putting Patient First Conference, 2024
- Co-Creating an Equity-Oriented Model of Care: Promoting Meaningful Engagement with Lived Experience Advisors, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
- Power and Perspectives: Using Equity Walk Throughs to Inform Equity-Oriented Approaches at BC Cancer Vancouver, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
- Power and Perspectives: Using Equity Walk Throughs to Inform Equity-Oriented Approaches at BC Cancer Vancouver, Putting Patient First Conference, 2024
- Malnutrition Risk Among People Receiving Palliative Radiation at BC Cancer Proportion, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
- Nutrition Referral Prioritization at BC Cancer: Development and Pilot of the Nutrition Intervention Framework (NIF), BC Caner Summit, 2024
- Bridging the Knowledge to Practice Gap: The Impact of Nursing and Allied Health Clinician-Led Research and Knowledge Translation, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
- One Team, My Team: Effective Evaluation of Team-Based Care in Oncology Settings, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
- Use of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (ePROs) in Breast Cancer Follow-up Care: A Qualitative Pilot Study, BC Cancer Summit, 2024
Health System and Policy Documents
- Lambert, L.K., & Lauck, S. B. (2025, January 31). Policy Recommendations for Optimizing the Clinical Nurse Specialist Workforce in British Columbia [R].
- Lambert, L.K., Lauck, S., Prodan-Bhalla, N., Kensall, S., Hare, K., Watson, B., Beck, S., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Havaei, F., Kaur, J., MacPhee, M., & Thorne, S. (2024) Policy Research Brief: Informing Policy to optimize the Clinical Nurse Specialist Workforce: Advancing the Quadruple Aim and Health Equity. Policy Brief Booklet: Policy Research for Health System Transformation. CIHR-Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (CIHR-IHSPR) and partners.
- Kilgour, H., Howard, F., Thorne, S., & Lambert, L.K. (2025). Advance care planning in oncology nursing: An interpretive description study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Accepted .
- Lambert , L.K., Havaei, F., Ma, A., Larmet, J., Kaur, J., Ahmadi, N., Le, D., & Woods, R. (2025). An Early Evaluation of Team Consistency and Scope Optimization in Team-Based Cancer Care. BMC cancer. Accepted.
- Kwon, J.Y, Moynihan, M., Wolff, A., Webster, C., Mariano, C., Lambert, L.K., Sawatzky, R. (2024). Understanding Frailty Risks Among Older Adults with Cancer: Insights from Patient Narratives
- Beck, S.M., McKenzie, M., Glasspool, B., Kou, P., Stern, S., Bannar-Martin, S., Bourgeois, A., Browne, A.J., Dhariwal, P., Kaur, J., Knox, A., Lambert, L.K., Rannie, T., Stajduhar, K.I., Tremblay, A. (2024). An Equity-Oriented Model of Team-Based Care: A Co-Designed Knowledge Mobilization and Model of Care Pilot Intervention in British Columbia, Canada
- Kwon, J.Y, Moynihan, M., Wolff, A.C., Irlbacher, G., Joseph, A.L., Wilson, L., Horlock, H., Hung, L., Lambert, L.K., Lau, F., & Sawatzky, R. (2024) Using journey maps to understand patient reported outcome measures in the cancer journey. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal.
- Chisholm, A., Russolillo, A., Carter, M., Steinberg, M., Lambert, L.K., Knox, A., & Black, A. (2024). Advancing evidence-based practice through the Knowledge Translation Challenge: Nurses’ important roles in research, implementation science and practice change. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00, 1-9.
- Bourgeois, A., *Horrill, T., Mollison, A., Stringer, E., Lambert, L.K. & Stajduhar, K. (2024). Barriers to cancer treatment for people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage in high-income countries: A scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res 24, 670.
- Bourgeois, A., *Horrill, T.C., Mollison, A., Lambert, L.K., & Stajduhar, K. (2023). Barriers to cancer treatment and care for people experiencing structural vulnerability: a secondary analysis of ethnographic data. International Joural for Equity in Health 22 (58), 1-12.
- Lambert, L.K., *Horrill, T.C., Beck, S.M., *Bourgeois, A., Browne, A.J., Cheng, S., Howard, A.F., *Kaur, J., McKenzie, M., Stajduhar, K., & Thorne, S. (2023). Health and healthcare equity within the Canadian cancer care sector: A rapid scoping review. International Journal for Equity in Health. 22(20), 1-13.
- Kwon, J.Y., Moynihan, M., Lau, F., Wolff, A., Torrejon, M., Irlbacher, G., Hung, L., Lambert, L.K., & Sawatzky, R. (2023). Seeing the person before the numbers: Personas to understand patients’ life stories from interaction of patient-reported outcome measures in practice settings. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 172.
- Kwon, J.Y., Kopec, J., Sutherland, J., Lambert, L.K., Anis, A.H., & Sawatzky, R. (2023). Patient-reported mental health and well-being trajectories in oncology patients during radiation therapy: an expository analysis using the Ontario Cancer Registry. Quality of Life Research.32(1). 2899-2909.
- Howard, A.F., Lynch,K., Thorne,S., Porcino, A., Lambert, L.K., De Vera, M., Wolff, A.C., Hedges, P., Beck, S.M. Torrejon, M-J., & McKenzie, M. (2022). Occupational and Financial Setbacks in Caregivers of People with Colorectal Cancer: Considerations for Caregiver-Reported Outcomes. Current Oncology. 29(11). 8180-8196.
- Izadi-Najabadi, S., McQuarrie, L., Peacock, S., Haperin, R., Lambert, L.K., Mitton, C., & McTaggart-Cowan, H. (2022). Cancer patients’ experiences with virtual health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia. Current Oncology. 29(6), 4199-4211.
- Howard, A.F., Torrejon, M-J., Lynch,K., Beck, S.M., Thorne,S., Lambert, L.K., Porcino, A., De Vera, M., Davies, J.M., Avery, J., Wolff, A.C., McDonald, M., Lee, J., Hedges, P., Kelly, M.T., & McKenzie, M. (2022). To Share or Not to Share: Communication of Caregiver-Reported Outcomes when a Patient has Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 6(13), 1-9.
- Howard, A.F., Lynch,K., Beck, S.M., Torrejon, M-J., Avery, J., Thorne,S., Porcino, A., De Vera, M., Lambert, L.K., Wolff, A., McDonald, M., Lee, J., Hedges, P., & McKenzie, M. (2021). At the Heart of It All: Emotions of Consequence for the Conceptualization of Caregiver-Reported Outcomes in the Context of Colorectal Cancer. Current Oncology. 28(5), 4184-4202.
- Lambert, L.K., Balneaves, L.G., & Howard, A.F. (2021). It’s not an easy fix: Adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, [S.l.], v. 31, n. 2, p. 221-227. ISSN 2368-8076.
- Lambert, L.K., Balneaves, L.G., Howard, A.F., Chia, S.L.K., & Gotay, C.C. (2021). Healthcare provider perspectives on adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer. Current Oncology. 28(2), 1472-1482.
- Truant, T.L.O., Lambert, L.K., & Thorne, S. (2021). Barriers to equity in cancer survivorship care: Perspectives of cancer survivors and system stakeholders. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. 8, 1-9.
- Haase, K.R, Strohschein, F.J., Horrill, T.C., Lambert, L.K., & Powell, T.L. (2021). A survey of nurses’ experience integrating oncology clinical and academic worlds. Nursing Open. 8(5), 2840-2849.
18.Munro, S., Wilcox, E., Lambert, L.K., Norena, M., Encinger, J., Kendall, T., & Thompson, R. (2021). A survey of health care providers’ attitudes toward shared decision-making for choice of next birth after caesarean. Birth. 48(2), 194-208. - Watson, L., Lambert, L.K., Chapman, K., Bildeau, K., & Fitch, M.I. (2020). Improving the outcomes for cancer survivors in Canada: An interactive approach to competency development using the newly released CANO/ACIO Survivorship Manual. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie. 30(4), 321-326. ISSN 2368-8076.
- Galica, J., Bilodeau, K., Strohschein, F., Powell, T.L., Lambert, L.K., & Truant, T.L.O. (2018). Building and sustaining a postgraduate student network: The experience of oncology nurses in Canada. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie. 28(4), 288-293.
- Lambert, L.K., Balneaves, L.G., Howard, A.F., Chia, S.L.K., & Gotay, C.C. (2018). Understanding adjuvant endocrine therapy persistence in breast cancer survivors. BMC Cancer. 18(1), 732-745.
- Lambert, L.K., Balneaves, L.G., Howard, A.F., & Gotay, C.C. (2018). Patient-reported factors associated with adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer: An integrative review. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 167(3), 615-633.
- Balneaves, L.G., Panagiotoglou, D., Brazier, A.S., Lambert, L.K., Porcino, A., Forbes, M., Van Patten, C., Truant, T.L.O., Seely, D., & Stacey, D. (2016). Qualitative assessment of information and decision support needs for managing menopausal symptoms after breast cancer. Supportive Care Cancer. 24(11), 4567-4575.
BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer, which includes BC Cancer Research. Together with our donors, we are changing cancer outcomes for British Columbians by funding innovative research and personalized treatment and care.