Program Lead: Perla Araiza

The BC Cancer Practice-Based Research Challenge is an innovative approach that bridges the gap between clinical practice and research by empowering teams of point-of-care clinical staff to identify challenging clinical issues and find evidence-based answers through research.

Deadline to submit applications is now closed. The next intake for the 2026 cohort will open in December 2025. 



Practice-Based research is a systematic approach oriented to finding answers to everyday problems of clinical practice with the purpose of improving the work of practitioners for the benefit of patients. PBR links relevant research questions of practicing clinicians with different research methods to produce research results that are more easily assimilated into everyday practice and to support practice and policy change that directly impact quality of care.

The BC Cancer Research Challenge is an annual program that offers BC Cancer employees with limited, or no research experience the opportunity to learn basic research skills and work with a mentor to develop a small-scale research project that has potential to improve practice and patient care. 


The Research Challenge will:



Help you learn about research and conduct your own clinical practice project.



Provide you training, mentorship and funding.



Answer a question you have about your own clinical practice or in an area of interest to improve patient care.



The Research Challenge is open to non-physician employees of BC Cancer who have little or no research experience, and have limited opportunities to get funding and training to lead research projects.

Research Challenge Teams 

  • Minimum of two members. We recommend 3 members to help distribute the workload.
  • Teams can be inter-professional (i.e. Two Registered Nurses and one Radiation Therapist).
  • Team leader: Must be a direct point-of-care BC Cancer staff member, in a 0.5 FTE or greater full/part time position, and employed at BC Cancer for a minimum of one year.
  • At least one other team member. Team members can be any BC Cancer staff in a part-time or full-time position.

Teams must also include a research mentor and at least one patient partner (see below).

Research Mentors

Research mentors can be any BC Cancer staff member who regularly conducts research (e.g., physicians, etc.) or any researcher that has a BC Cancer affiliation or cross appointment (i.e., UBC, etc.).  Research mentors offer advice and guidance. 

Patient Partners

Patient partners represent the people that the research project serves. The active and meaningful collaboration with patients as partners in research is essential towards work to provide and improve person-centered health care. Including patient partners is now mandatory for research challenge projects and they can participate in any or all parts of the research process. 

How to Apply & What to Expect

  1. Form a research team and submit the Letter of Intent by February 26, 2025 at 4PM to
  2. All letter of intents are reviewed by the BC Cancer Research Advisory Committee, composed of scientific, operational, and patient partner reviewers that advise the Research Challenge competition.
  3. If accepted, participate in the Research Challenge training from March – May 2025. You will receive training on research methods, conducting a literature search, research ethics, and research project budgeting.
  4. Develop and submit a full research proposal application in June 2025. If your proposal is successful, you will receive $5000 in funding and have 18 months to complete your research project.
  5. Review the Research Challenge Timeline and Guidelines for more information.

Research Challenge Documents

BC Cancer Research Challenge Timeline_Updated

BC Cancer Research Challenge Guidelines

BC Cancer Research Challenge Letter of Intent

BC Cancer Research Challenge Mentorship Guidelines

BC Cancer Research Challenge Research Or Quality Improvement


2025 Research Challenge Info Session

Thank you to those who attended! If you wish to revisit some of the content presented, you can find the PowerPoint Slides Here. The session has been recorded (See Below):                         


Practice-Based Research Series: Reimagining Health Care

Learn more about Research Challenge Projects that are being done by BC Cancer Nurses and Allied Health Professionals


What does a Research Challenge Project look like?

2024 Research Challenge

2023 Research Challenge

2022 Research Challenge

2021 Research Challenge

2019 Research Challenge

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